Thursday, July 16, 2009


Fetch is my favorite game ever. I bring a mouse to my humans then they throw it, and I run run run as fast as I can to get it then bring it back. Then they throw it again and i go get it then bring it back, and i do it lots of times. Then there is times when they only pretend to throw it then laugh at me cause I still go run to gets it, but i show them when they do that i just grab another one and bring that back. Cause I is so smart.


  1. Hi Winslow! I read about you from my friend Scrooge. Scrooge is a Good dog.

    Sometime, you should visit the Cat Blogosphere! You can meet all sorts of other blogging cats and have lots of FUN!

    Nice to meetcha!

  2. You is pretty smart ....

    for a kitty cat.

    The website sounds like it would has TOO MANY CATS for me.
