Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I got my nails did

Last night they ganged up on me and made me get my nails cut. Jessica always holds me, while Tamara uses the cutting thingies to cut my nails. Last night I was standing on the couch, while Tamara was cutting her nails, then when I wasn't paying attention to them, she grabbed me and handed me to Jessica. Jessica put me on my back and then held my paws while my nails were cut--most of them anyway. I bite my nails sometimes, so there were a few that were already short enough.

I don't really mind getting my nails cut...usually...sometimes, I just want to go play with my toys or something, but this time I sat pretty while I got my nails did! I should get a new toy for that.


  1. I thinks you has gots enough toys. Maybe you should gets a cheeses instead. Cheeses is good. I says.

  2. that might be good for head butting dogs but toy mice is better for Winslow.

  3. I TELLED you I doesn't head butt kitties any more.
